Personal Retreat for Founders.

Chat with us about our Empathy-Assisted Meditation retreats to help with your creativity and drive.


Invest in your relationship with yourself.

We know that being a founder entrepreneur is a daunting job. Oftentimes, the lifestyle choices we make and the non-stop working hours have negative effects on our performance and wellbeing. When we don’t slow down and take the time to reflect, we allow our inner critic to take over. A facilitated personal retreat of empathy-assisted meditation is the first step towards discovering self-compassion, a requirement for enhanced creativity and vision. Become less attach to your ego-ideas and more in tuned with your intuition.


Improve your relationship with others.

Lack of self-compassion and self-love blocks our love and empathy for others. By increasing love and empathy for our stakeholders (family, friends, employees, investors, customers) we become better and more conscious leaders. Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships by experiencing empathy-assisted meditation during one of our personal retreats.

We accept referrals from these communities:

Our retreats are

If you were referred by someone we know,
reach out for a free 30-min discovery call.